Politics of Quality and Occupational Health and Safety
Dere Mining Company has dedicated itself to meet the expectation of our customers in the matter of providing work and service with high quality which fulfil quality control requirement agreed as a minimum. The policy is the basis of our commitment to achieve following targets:
- Commiting to provide quality control plan following interference to a joint project developed with customer,
- Including in the scope of especial needings of customer by considering request and restriction of mining environment.
- Considering quality control plan, project punctuality and neccessary quality standarts to be realisable and regarding accuracy and pace of each activities to be done with efficiency and productivity.
- Beside contract specifications, realization programs and progress reports; regular inspections are involved in the center of relevant quality plan to obtain any deviation on time.
- In case of determining any irregularity, it will be instantly presented to attention of customer and quality control coordinator to implement proper corrective precautions in the agreed terms.
- Dere Mining Company has dedicated itself to practicable quality control system whose self-development process is observable and reviewable.
Dere Mining Company has dedicated itself to meet the expectation of our customers in the matter of providing work and service with high quality which fulfil quality control requirement agreed as a minimum.
Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Dere Mining has dedicated itself to improve performance of HEE(Health, Education, Environment) continuingly by believing it is a good business practice that contribute confidence of stakeholders. Commitment includes works aimed at providing safe and healthy environment for employees and visitors. It also includes overemphasizing to minimize effects of mining activities on physical environment.
To display responsibilities for realizing wide policy expression, Dere Mining commit followings;
- To have HEE(Health, Education, Environment) performance level over industry standarts.
- Observing to all national laws, agreements, regulations, licenses and licensing conditions as a minimum standart for practices and administration procedures of HEE (Health, Education, Environment).
- Maintaining HEE(Health, Education, Environment) program based on continuous improvement, preventing pollution and minimum effect principles.
- Incorporating all HEE(Health, Education, Environment) matters including mine exploration, planning, extraction processing operations, to all activities.
- Providing education to employees and contractors about their roles and responsibilites on HEE(Health, Education, Environment) management and to make them accept their duties on caring and paying attention either to themselves or to their co-workers accordingly.
- Adopting and applying current techniques and the best implementations on activities that are suitable to nature, scale of work.
- Evaluating and tracking all accidents and cases due to completing detailed reports and following recommended actions.
- Preventing, annihilating or controlling specifiable dangers to remove injuries, diseases, and environmental impact.
- Providing safe equipment and clothes to employees, contractors and visitors to ensure suitable possibilities on the purpose of competing task safely.
- Providing committee of HEE(Health, Education, Environment) representatives to revive all HEE matters in related areas.