About Us
Ege Asphalt is the first asphalt company established within Group.
Ege Asphalt, established in 2000, has continued operations with cutting-edge technology product machines with high capacity till 2016. It has had highly experienced director and employee staff and also it has raised them. Ege Asphalt has provided services to other contractors aimed at public projects, beside works such as highway and tunnel construction that are undertaken by public enterprises. Also , it has completed asphalt works of many private investors ( such as; factories, shopping malls)
Dere Asphalt, established in 2015 within group, has already taken place of Ege Asphalt ,which will terminate their operations in 2017.
Dere Asphalt has participated many projects in İzmir in a short time since it has been established by transfering all experienced staff and technical equipments, that are included in Ege Asphalt, to their own structure.
Procurement of Asphalt for İzmir part of İzmir-İstanbul Highway, Procurement of Asphalt for İzbeton which is participation of İ.B.B, Construction of Dual Carriageway for interior roads of Tire OSB(Organized Industrial Site), İmplementation of interior roads in Aliağa Star Refinery, interior roads of Menemen Free Zone TPI Factory and field application can be counted between these projects.